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Andreas Anderholm Pedersen, Sustainability Manager at Giab.Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and founder of We Don't Have Time.SECTION III: SOLUTIONS FOR ALL 18:45 / 12.45 PM - Bottom-up Approaches Liz Ricketts, Co-Founder & Director of The Or Foundation.Erik Perzon, Senior Project Manager, Textiles at IVL.Galahad Clark, Chief Ecosystem Officer at Vivo Barefoot.Gwen Cunningham, Lead Circle Textiles Programme at Circle Economy.Emily Burnett, CEO and Creative Director of Burnett New York ‍.Evie Evangelou, President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development ‍.Sara Marjanizadeh, Land and Water Officer, FAO Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia and Turkeyġ8:00 / 12.00 AM - LOOKING GOOD: Sustainable fashion for the future.

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  • Iain A Stirling, Owner of The Arbikie Distillery.
  • Manzoor Qadir, Ph.D., Assistant Director | United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health.
  • Olav Kjørven, Senior Director of Strategy EAT Foundation.
  • Sacha Ghiglione, CEO & Boardmember of Prime Computerġ7:10 / 11.10 AM - Climate Crisis Film Festival Screening: A Failure of the Imaginationġ7:20 / 11.20 AM - FEEDING THE PEOPLE, NOT THE CLIMATE CRISIS: Circular and sustainable food production.
  • Pernilla Jonsson, Head of Ericsson Consumer & Industry Lab.
  • Henrik Byström, Business Group Lead Modern Work & Security at Microsoft.
  • Esther Goodwin Brown, Lead of the Circular Jobs Initiative at Circle Economy.
  • Carly Gilbert-Patrick, Team Leader - Active Mobility, Digitalisation and Mode Integration at UNEPġ6:20 / 10.30 AM - Musical guests: We Are Climate Zombiesġ6:30 / 10.30 AM - NINE TO ZERO: Transforming work.
  • Robin Chase, CoFounder of Zipcar, Veniam and NUMO.
  • Fredrika Klarén, Head of Sustainability, Polestar.
  • Owen Gaffney Exponential Roadmap Initiative, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative & Global Sustainability Analyst PIK and SRC.
  • Arnaud Marquis, Group Sustainability Officerat at Tarkettġ5:45 / 9.45 AM - ON THE MOVE: Transitioning transport.
  • Per Klevnäs, Partner at Material Economics.
  • Oskar Storm, Architectural Projects Specification Manager SE/NO at St Gobain.
  • Edgar Hertwich, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
  • SECTION II: TOWARDS THE NET ZERO VALUE CHAIN 15:00 - 9.00 AM - LIVING IN THE MATERIAL WORLD: Rethinking the built environment
  • Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability at Ericsson.
  • Pär Larshans, Head of Sustainability at Ragn-Sells.
  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative & Global Sustainability Analyst PIK and SRCġ4:40 - 8.40 AM - CIRCULARITY AND DIGITALIZATION: Keys in the Race to Zero.
  • Rachel Kyte, Special representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All.
  • Gonzalo Munoz, Champion for Chile, COP25.
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    Marc de Wit, Director Strategic Alliances and founder of the Circularity Gap Report.SECTION I: CIRCULARITY AND THE RACE TO ZERO 14:00 / 8.00 AM - Towards COP26 Just click on the speaker's name below or go to their profile in the We Don't Have Time app.

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